Okay. Before updating about the recent camp to Pahang, Malaysia, I would like to wish my one and only brother, DIAZ NOVERA, a Happy Belated 17th Birthday ;D Hope you get well soon from that ass-kicking para-thypus, chronic asthma, incredulously high fever, heavy dry coughs and unstoppable flu. Sorry I won't be able to buy you a car for your present but I'll definitely find something more special for you. Heehee (Get well soon so that you can fetch me on the 25th, you ass. HAHAHA)Okay. Now lets move on to the Combined Uniformed Group Camp to Pahang, Malaysia (truly Asia~ okay stop it) - - - DAY 1
Meet up at 2 pm under Farah's block with Nasirah, Shi Hui, Haziq and Farah. It was raining and some people just can't stand their wet shoes and thus start doing something only monkey does *coughs* After that we took Farah's mom's car (Thanks) to Aishah's block to have our last gathering before going to school. At around 4 pm all of us gathered at the school canteen and set off at around 4.30 to Tanjong Pagar Train Station.
Reached there and everyone started to camwhore while waiting for the train to come and gate to be opened. So here goes pictures... - - --
    As soon as the gate was opened we all rushed to our coach. The SJAB people + some 3 lost NPCC girls were in Coach 6. So yeah, you can imagine the noise level in that coach. Lol. - -  10 hours in the train, what do you think we do? Nope, we don't sleep. We were busy eating all sorts of stuffs like kuaci (is that how you spell it?), nasi goreng (fried rice), chips more, twisties and some other things.
Me and Farah managed to befriend some of the train staffs in the canteen (Yes. The train has a canteen. Cool right? But I coolest) But one of them seriously destroy my appetite *ehem farahrhinaandshihui* - - - Finally reached at Jerantut Train Station at around 3 am in the morning. Board a bus to our hostel. We were locked in there by ourselves while the teachers go to the hostel across. So yeah, you can imagine what monkeys do best if they were given freedom *coughs*
Wake up at 6.30 am and had breakfast at 7. Everyone still very sleepy and sian, maybe someone still have motion sickness from the previous train ride. Lol.
 After breakfast, we packed our things and went to our next destination which was our very first activity. Flying Fox, River Crossing and Brown White Water Rafting.  Currently I don't have the pictures on the activities. They only allowed one camera to be used. So yeah. Once I get the pictures, I'll post them up. First up was Flying Fox across the river (Hopefully you get the idea, if the rope snap off, you'll just probably drowned to death. Lol). I wonder why they call it fox and not bunny or cat or something else. Okay sheeesh! I was the last one to go because the girls were all scared to be the last one *sigh* Next was River Crossing. (Get it? After you cross the river through flying fox, now you have to cross back by just using a the rope and walk/swim/float). If you fail, all you have to do is to let go of the rope and the people there will catch you using a motorboat. My first try was failed. My palm couldn't stand the pain due to the friction. Second try also failed. This time water keep on going into my nose. Thus I gave up. Shut up! At least I got to ride on the boat. TWICE some more! *winks to Farah* We also had water confident activities to boost up our confidence in water (DUHH!). Hence, I can say that now I am water confident, oh wait, I already am since last time *winks to Nasirah* The last one was water rafting. But before that we had capsize drill. The guides overturn our boat and BYARRR! Muahaha! It was thrilling. After we mastered it, we set off. It was damn fun going through the massive rapids, the bumpy ride and everything. After that we had our lunch and shower time. This time I can really show off my new hair. *coughs* Everywhere I went "OMG Nabila your hair so nice! So cool." Thanks, I'm coolest I know. HAHAHA. Okay shut up. Board the bus and set off to our next resting place.  Reach at I dont know what resort at 6+ pm  Get our rooms and put our things down. Grabbed torch light for the Night Jungle Walk afterwards. But before that we had dinner. The dinner was terrible I tell you. We had this one yellow chicken dish that smells like................... DURIANS Yes, durians.
  *points up* Yep. That's the one. Could not bring myself to finish the food. Other people too. After dinner we head on for our night jungle walk. In the bus   We had to actually cross a river in order to go to the jungle. Apply insect repellent and we were ready to go. There's nothing much to see in the jungle at night (DUH!). I don't know what everyone else is doing but I was looking out everywhere for frogs and toads. Well you know me and my phobia of frogs/toads. *coughs* Well, we saw lots of insects, termites, ants, bird-eating spiders and some deers. No frogs, THANK GOD! After the long walk, we head back to our resort. And just when I was so relax and unaware, I saw one frog hoping like 5 meters in front of me. Damn it. No brother, I didn't cry >:D I just ran like as if I was chased by a mad dog. Lol. Here's our room. So messy right? The beds were all double-decker. So yeah, you can hear the bed non-stop creaking at night. Showered and dropped dead on the bed.  Just when everyone else was sleeping, these guys monkeys are busy having KACANG PARTY (peanut party). Tsk tsk.. 
Wake up at 7.30am and had breakfast. The guys were late and so the teachers punished them by telling them to pick a girl and serve them the food they want. Heehee. Thank you Kelvin, you are the best (after Diaz) brother ever! :D   After breakfast we set off for our next activities which were Jungle Trekking via Canopy walkway, visit to Ear Cave and Orang Asli Village (original inhabitants of Malaysia) and Rapid shooting. First up was the jungle trekking via canopy walkway.  Okay. For those who have no idea what is Canopy Walk, it is actually crossing these wobbly wobble long bridges that are high up at the canopy layer. Still doesn't ring a bell? THAT'S WHY LEARN GEOGRAPHY, damnit. HAHAHA. Canopy layer is the second highest layer of the forest where trees grow to the height of 15 - 3o meters high. Okay stop it sia. Enough of Geo. Just look at the pictures below and you'll know. - - - - - - -
            There are 9 bridges in total. Farah was stuck at the one with the ladder *points up*. It's scary, mind you. Okay, once we were done, the guides told us a few more things about trees before going for the mofo trekking. *points below*  It's TONGKAT ALI by the way. Wrong spelling and I lazy to re-edit. After that, we had our, just as I said, mofo jungle trekking. It was damn tiring going up the jungle. But at the top, it's something very magnificent. - - - - -  Yeah. Everyone was so tired and breathless but it was worth it. It was drizzling so we couldn't go up some more. So yeah, we went down. We thought it would be much easier but it turned out to be the total opposite. People started to fall, slide and roll down. Lol. Had our lunch. Afterwards was the punishment for the NCC guys for being late. Lol. They decided to do push-up waves but it turned out to be a total failure. Muahahaha. I think i'll upload the video later on.  We were told that since it was drizzling, it would be dangerous to go to the Ear Cave. So yeah, it was cancelled D: Went to the orang asli village next and that is where the LEECH ATTACK began. Hahahahahaha.   Potential orang asli, indeed. It is amazing how they can live with nature up until today where technology is everywhere. And i seriously thought it will take them 1 or 2 hours to make fire, but in actual fact it takes them less than 3 minutes. What's more they don't use gas like us. Save the earth~  We also had the chance to try out their hunting equipment, you know, the blow blow thingy. It was awesome, seriously.   Lol. Nasirah was almost bitten by a leech on her hand but thank God there's insect repellent to make it dizzy. Nasirah, you should have gave me yours. I want to feel how it's like to be bitten. RAWR! So yeah, you can almost see 4 or 5 people walking with big patch of blood on their legs after their leeches drop off. After that we had rapid shooting. No, it's not using the gun and shoot. It's a water activity where by 10 people will ride a fast moving long boat and we have to splash water at the other boats. Our boat might be the noisiest but it was flooded with water until we were sinking and there were water cockroaches bugs everywhere. HAHAHA. So yeah, you can imagine the condition of our boat. Went back to our resort, bathe and set off to our next resting place before going back to Singapore. While everyone else were shopping, me,nasirah,shi hui,farah,woonfui,joel,haziq,nabil, wesley and derrick stayed at the hostel and had a kacang party. I wasn't in the mood but still played snap with them and I turned out to be the loser. Lol. DAY 4
Slept awhile and woke up at around 12.50am. Head to Jeram Besu train station and board the train at around 2.15am   Well, this time round all of us were in coach 7, except for the teachers. Not much eating but rather ghost stories. Lol. Yes, we have no life. Rhina told us what she saw during the night jungle walk and Farah got scared, actually me too but she decided to quit listenining. Hahahaha. Reached Singapore at around 10+ am. Waited for the bus at Sheng Siong while some people went home on their own. Reached school at around 11+ and we did the usual. KFC :D  Once we were done, we head back home, showered and slept ;D DONE :D  To tell you the truth, I don't remember posing like that *points up*. Was I paid to do it? I think it's some other "nabila" and not me. Lololol. Peace.
Just give me a few more days and I will update a loooooong post regarding the camp and other stuffs. Heehee :D (Busy people always like this one *coughs*)
 Okay. Before updating about the recent camp to Pahang, Malaysia, I would like to wish my one and only brother, DIAZ NOVERA, a Happy Belated 17th Birthday ;D Hope you get well soon from that ass-kicking para-thypus, chronic asthma, incredulously high fever, heavy dry coughs and unstoppable flu. Sorry I won't be able to buy you a car for your present but I'll definitely find something more special for you. Heehee (Get well soon so that you can fetch me on the 25th, you ass. HAHAHA)Okay. Now lets move on to the Combined Uniformed Group Camp to Pahang, Malaysia (truly Asia~ okay stop it) - - - DAY 1
Meet up at 2 pm under Farah's block with Nasirah, Shi Hui, Haziq and Farah. It was raining and some people just can't stand their wet shoes and thus start doing something only monkey does *coughs* After that we took Farah's mom's car (Thanks) to Aishah's block to have our last gathering before going to school. At around 4 pm all of us gathered at the school canteen and set off at around 4.30 to Tanjong Pagar Train Station.
Reached there and everyone started to camwhore while waiting for the train to come and gate to be opened. So here goes pictures... - - --
    As soon as the gate was opened we all rushed to our coach. The SJAB people + some 3 lost NPCC girls were in Coach 6. So yeah, you can imagine the noise level in that coach. Lol. - -  10 hours in the train, what do you think we do? Nope, we don't sleep. We were busy eating all sorts of stuffs like kuaci (is that how you spell it?), nasi goreng (fried rice), chips more, twisties and some other things.
Me and Farah managed to befriend some of the train staffs in the canteen (Yes. The train has a canteen. Cool right? But I coolest) But one of them seriously destroy my appetite *ehem farahrhinaandshihui* - - - Finally reached at Jerantut Train Station at around 3 am in the morning. Board a bus to our hostel. We were locked in there by ourselves while the teachers go to the hostel across. So yeah, you can imagine what monkeys do best if they were given freedom *coughs*
Wake up at 6.30 am and had breakfast at 7. Everyone still very sleepy and sian, maybe someone still have motion sickness from the previous train ride. Lol.
 After breakfast, we packed our things and went to our next destination which was our very first activity. Flying Fox, River Crossing and Brown White Water Rafting.  Currently I don't have the pictures on the activities. They only allowed one camera to be used. So yeah. Once I get the pictures, I'll post them up. First up was Flying Fox across the river (Hopefully you get the idea, if the rope snap off, you'll just probably drowned to death. Lol). I wonder why they call it fox and not bunny or cat or something else. Okay sheeesh! I was the last one to go because the girls were all scared to be the last one *sigh* Next was River Crossing. (Get it? After you cross the river through flying fox, now you have to cross back by just using a the rope and walk/swim/float). If you fail, all you have to do is to let go of the rope and the people there will catch you using a motorboat. My first try was failed. My palm couldn't stand the pain due to the friction. Second try also failed. This time water keep on going into my nose. Thus I gave up. Shut up! At least I got to ride on the boat. TWICE some more! *winks to Farah* We also had water confident activities to boost up our confidence in water (DUHH!). Hence, I can say that now I am water confident, oh wait, I already am since last time *winks to Nasirah* The last one was water rafting. But before that we had capsize drill. The guides overturn our boat and BYARRR! Muahaha! It was thrilling. After we mastered it, we set off. It was damn fun going through the massive rapids, the bumpy ride and everything. After that we had our lunch and shower time. This time I can really show off my new hair. *coughs* Everywhere I went "OMG Nabila your hair so nice! So cool." Thanks, I'm coolest I know. HAHAHA. Okay shut up. Board the bus and set off to our next resting place.  Reach at I dont know what resort at 6+ pm  Get our rooms and put our things down. Grabbed torch light for the Night Jungle Walk afterwards. But before that we had dinner. The dinner was terrible I tell you. We had this one yellow chicken dish that smells like................... DURIANS Yes, durians.
  *points up* Yep. That's the one. Could not bring myself to finish the food. Other people too. After dinner we head on for our night jungle walk. In the bus   We had to actually cross a river in order to go to the jungle. Apply insect repellent and we were ready to go. There's nothing much to see in the jungle at night (DUH!). I don't know what everyone else is doing but I was looking out everywhere for frogs and toads. Well you know me and my phobia of frogs/toads. *coughs* Well, we saw lots of insects, termites, ants, bird-eating spiders and some deers. No frogs, THANK GOD! After the long walk, we head back to our resort. And just when I was so relax and unaware, I saw one frog hoping like 5 meters in front of me. Damn it. No brother, I didn't cry >:D I just ran like as if I was chased by a mad dog. Lol. Here's our room. So messy right? The beds were all double-decker. So yeah, you can hear the bed non-stop creaking at night. Showered and dropped dead on the bed.  Just when everyone else was sleeping, these guys monkeys are busy having KACANG PARTY (peanut party). Tsk tsk.. 
Wake up at 7.30am and had breakfast. The guys were late and so the teachers punished them by telling them to pick a girl and serve them the food they want. Heehee. Thank you Kelvin, you are the best (after Diaz) brother ever! :D   After breakfast we set off for our next activities which were Jungle Trekking via Canopy walkway, visit to Ear Cave and Orang Asli Village (original inhabitants of Malaysia) and Rapid shooting. First up was the jungle trekking via canopy walkway.  Okay. For those who have no idea what is Canopy Walk, it is actually crossing these wobbly wobble long bridges that are high up at the canopy layer. Still doesn't ring a bell? THAT'S WHY LEARN GEOGRAPHY, damnit. HAHAHA. Canopy layer is the second highest layer of the forest where trees grow to the height of 15 - 3o meters high. Okay stop it sia. Enough of Geo. Just look at the pictures below and you'll know. - - - - - - -
            There are 9 bridges in total. Farah was stuck at the one with the ladder *points up*. It's scary, mind you. Okay, once we were done, the guides told us a few more things about trees before going for the mofo trekking. *points below*  It's TONGKAT ALI by the way. Wrong spelling and I lazy to re-edit. After that, we had our, just as I said, mofo jungle trekking. It was damn tiring going up the jungle. But at the top, it's something very magnificent. - - - - -  Yeah. Everyone was so tired and breathless but it was worth it. It was drizzling so we couldn't go up some more. So yeah, we went down. We thought it would be much easier but it turned out to be the total opposite. People started to fall, slide and roll down. Lol. Had our lunch. Afterwards was the punishment for the NCC guys for being late. Lol. They decided to do push-up waves but it turned out to be a total failure. Muahahaha. I think i'll upload the video later on.  We were told that since it was drizzling, it would be dangerous to go to the Ear Cave. So yeah, it was cancelled D: Went to the orang asli village next and that is where the LEECH ATTACK began. Hahahahahaha.   Potential orang asli, indeed. It is amazing how they can live with nature up until today where technology is everywhere. And i seriously thought it will take them 1 or 2 hours to make fire, but in actual fact it takes them less than 3 minutes. What's more they don't use gas like us. Save the earth~  We also had the chance to try out their hunting equipment, you know, the blow blow thingy. It was awesome, seriously.   Lol. Nasirah was almost bitten by a leech on her hand but thank God there's insect repellent to make it dizzy. Nasirah, you should have gave me yours. I want to feel how it's like to be bitten. RAWR! So yeah, you can almost see 4 or 5 people walking with big patch of blood on their legs after their leeches drop off. After that we had rapid shooting. No, it's not using the gun and shoot. It's a water activity where by 10 people will ride a fast moving long boat and we have to splash water at the other boats. Our boat might be the noisiest but it was flooded with water until we were sinking and there were water cockroaches bugs everywhere. HAHAHA. So yeah, you can imagine the condition of our boat. Went back to our resort, bathe and set off to our next resting place before going back to Singapore. While everyone else were shopping, me,nasirah,shi hui,farah,woonfui,joel,haziq,nabil, wesley and derrick stayed at the hostel and had a kacang party. I wasn't in the mood but still played snap with them and I turned out to be the loser. Lol. DAY 4
Slept awhile and woke up at around 12.50am. Head to Jeram Besu train station and board the train at around 2.15am   Well, this time round all of us were in coach 7, except for the teachers. Not much eating but rather ghost stories. Lol. Yes, we have no life. Rhina told us what she saw during the night jungle walk and Farah got scared, actually me too but she decided to quit listenining. Hahahaha. Reached Singapore at around 10+ am. Waited for the bus at Sheng Siong while some people went home on their own. Reached school at around 11+ and we did the usual. KFC :D  Once we were done, we head back home, showered and slept ;D DONE :D  To tell you the truth, I don't remember posing like that *points up*. Was I paid to do it? I think it's some other "nabila" and not me. Lololol. Peace.
Just give me a few more days and I will update a loooooong post regarding the camp and other stuffs. Heehee :D (Busy people always like this one *coughs*)
By post:
A big black bug bit a big black bear; make the big...
Just give me a few more days and I will update a l...
HIYYYAAA (beware, long post)
The End - Hiatus
So much for the study mode :D
By month:
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
February 2009
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.