This morning I was like still debating with myself whether or not to go for the International Coastal Clean Up. I mean come on laa, it's so early in the morning and it's raining D:
But, since I already woke up so early in the morning, might as well go, right?
Sooooo, yeah.
Reached school and straight away met Nasirah and Fauzi inside the SJAB room to prepare for first aid kits. We seriously lack of Mopiko. Lol.
Finished packing everything and we're ready to go :D
Board this one old bus. It was meant for the 3e4 Biology students but..only 9 turn up. Tsk tsk.
Seriously, you guys missed the fun
Reached Pasir Ris Park at around 9.30am .
It was drizzling but luckily me and Fauzi brought our mighty caps :D
And I swear
someone was being selfish wearing a poncho *winks*
Okay..So, we were told that we are suppose to cross this one *ehem*
"river" which was told to have a low tide (only up to our ankles)
But it turned out to be...
THIS. Yes, you can see our Mr Jackie Chong :DOkay. So much for the low tide. When I saw this, first thing first that came up to my mind was.. UNDERGARMENTS. Yes. I swear this morning I was like holding and staring at my extra set for like 5 minutes thinking to bring or not to bring. HAIYOO. Everyone was like asking whether they brought extra set or not but it seemed like everyone was unprepared for this, including teachers.
But it was fun laa, apart from the stinking smell. I dont know why but I think I just like cleaning up or you can call it picking up rubbish. I think I won't complain if you dump me into one strange island full with rubbish and I have to clean 'em up. I like to get dirty. MRRRAWRR! :D
Mr Chong said I have got talent in doing so and I shall make it my future job O: YOU MOCKING ME EH?
When we went back, the tide got higher and it was on around my chest level there. I swear I saw Nasirah almost drowned inside.Okay fine, not really. It was on her neck area there. ROFL.
Reached home and scrubbed every part of my body -___-"
Some random pictures are comming up below:

I swear this is no Orchard Road. This is just outside my house.
I was actually awaken by this loud "TONG TONG CHANG TONG CHANG!!" And the next thing I saw was people parading outside my house. I was like WTH? What's with the random-ness.
But it's okay since it was pretty. Saw a few lion and dragon dances. I think if Aishah was there, she would faint.