seven, seven, lucky number :D

Music Playlist at

Yaoi <3
Thursday, 1 May 2008 @ 15:42

OHMYGOD! I just realised that it has been such an alalalala looooooooooooooooooong time i never update. hehehehek. Nevermind. But first of all...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZIQactcool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope your wish(es) on the donut come true :D
Hope you will get whiter as you get older :D
Hope you'll pass every of the exams with LALATING (FLYING) colours! :D

The celebration was superb yesterday, hope you like it, Ziq. Especially the macaroni and the hiding-from-teachers part. hahahhaha.

Okay's time for me to go back mugging for MYE. *Riiiiiight*
I'll just end up continuing to play. hahhaa.
It's either my blog will go into hiatus mode again or it'll be updated. Lazy laa.
Let me say it once more..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ACTION! :D