I'm seriously so pissed everytime I think about debate. Those who track down our blogs (we know that you're reading every single thing we write)..please read this! I'm writing a freaking feedback so that whoever you are, you can tell the teachers this for me.
Cant the teacher like at least understand that we just came back from OBS and that we need more time to think? Some more you put us all, those from OBS, in the same group. It's effing irritating everytime you teachers dont give a damn about us who is left behind and think that it's easy to catch up.
Enough with the pissing part. Let's move on.
Had our 2.4 trial run today. And guess what? I fail just because I'm a few seconds late. WTF right? Actually it didnt matter i fail or pass, its the experience that counts (CEWAH!). YEAH RIGHT! AND WHAT EXPERIENCE DO I GET? A laughing experience watching Nabil and Aziz non stop being scolded for taking short cuts. AHHAHAHAHAHA! padan muker!
After that we had our recess. I was seriously hungry but due to the time I only manage a burger and chrisantimum tea.
Had Emaths and surprisingly, I'm not lost. It's just that what I told you guys..Emaths is way easier than Amaths. *mr shah's smirk*
BLA BLA BLA and we had english with Faraz again. I hate to admit it but since he taught us, I suddenly fell in love with english eh! not the teacher -.-. I dont know why everytime he always get surrounded by girls. But sad to say..its not those pretty ones. Its those minah minah gemok maner dahh!
Had our lunch after that and continue with SS. SUI SEN! no la.. Sosial Studies. Since it was raining heavily outside, Mr Tay decided to spend 3/4 of the period to tell us ghost stories. See! He so good right?!
Finished up my Malay composition which take years to do it. And then went to KFC with Haziq and tapau Banditto back home. oh ya! not forgetting our takoyaki *drools*
Reached home, bathed, eat and then sleep; Woke up again and planning to go on watching Bleach *hints hints to Ziq* And seriously..TO HELL WITH DEBATE.
I'm seriously so pissed everytime I think about debate. Those who track down our blogs (we know that you're reading every single thing we write)..please read this! I'm writing a freaking feedback so that whoever you are, you can tell the teachers this for me.
Cant the teacher like at least understand that we just came back from OBS and that we need more time to think? Some more you put us all, those from OBS, in the same group. It's effing irritating everytime you teachers dont give a damn about us who is left behind and think that it's easy to catch up.
Enough with the pissing part. Let's move on.
Had our 2.4 trial run today. And guess what? I fail just because I'm a few seconds late. WTF right? Actually it didnt matter i fail or pass, its the experience that counts (CEWAH!). YEAH RIGHT! AND WHAT EXPERIENCE DO I GET? A laughing experience watching Nabil and Aziz non stop being scolded for taking short cuts. AHHAHAHAHAHA! padan muker!
After that we had our recess. I was seriously hungry but due to the time I only manage a burger and chrisantimum tea.
Had Emaths and surprisingly, I'm not lost. It's just that what I told you guys..Emaths is way easier than Amaths. *mr shah's smirk*
BLA BLA BLA and we had english with Faraz again. I hate to admit it but since he taught us, I suddenly fell in love with english eh! not the teacher -.-. I dont know why everytime he always get surrounded by girls. But sad to say..its not those pretty ones. Its those minah minah gemok maner dahh!
Had our lunch after that and continue with SS. SUI SEN! no la.. Sosial Studies. Since it was raining heavily outside, Mr Tay decided to spend 3/4 of the period to tell us ghost stories. See! He so good right?!
Finished up my Malay composition which take years to do it. And then went to KFC with Haziq and tapau Banditto back home. oh ya! not forgetting our takoyaki *drools*
Reached home, bathed, eat and then sleep; Woke up again and planning to go on watching Bleach *hints hints to Ziq* And seriously..TO HELL WITH DEBATE.
By post:
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!I sometimes don't understand this ...
- Haziq says:blog abt theory phase, u did say ure ...
OH MY GOD!(:Take note, I'm not gonna blog about th...
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOkay..sorry for the delay of upda...
YER LA, YER LA, UPDATING LA NI! xDSorry eh. I got ...
There is so much things happening and I don't know...
By month:
August 2007
October 2007
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December 2007
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February 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
February 2009
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.