OHMYGOD! I just realised that it has been such an alalalala looooooooooooooooooong time i never update. hehehehek. Nevermind. But first of all...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZIQactcool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Hope your wish(es) on the donut come true :D Hope you will get whiter as you get older :D Hope you'll pass every of the exams with LALATING (FLYING) colours! :D
The celebration was superb yesterday, hope you like it, Ziq. Especially the macaroni and the hiding-from-teachers part. hahahhaha. Okay laa..it's time for me to go back mugging for MYE. *Riiiiiight* I'll just end up continuing to play. hahhaa. It's either my blog will go into hiatus mode again or it'll be updated. Lazy laa. Ciao! Let me say it once more..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ACTION! :D
I was quite shocked just now when mum called. What made me even more shock-er is that when she mentioned that she is very very very lonely without the presence of blackie and the pups. They were given to my dad's friend for a while because my mom is afraid that cars might just bang accidentally onto the pups as they had just learnt how to walk. Yes, they can walk. How cute is that? Sadly I cant go back. Cant see them grow day by day D: This proves that dogs DO affect their owners in one way or another despite the owner that at first, don't really care about them (my mum). Haiyayayaya...I'm starting to yearn to go back as soon as possible already :| Okay wait. I shall stop day dreaming about going back cause the reality now is that i've got EXAMS to attend to and some crappy-farty extra classes during the june hols. Dang it.  my black beauty:D
OHMYGOD! I just realised that it has been such an alalalala looooooooooooooooooong time i never update. hehehehek. Nevermind. But first of all...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZIQactcool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Hope your wish(es) on the donut come true :D Hope you will get whiter as you get older :D Hope you'll pass every of the exams with LALATING (FLYING) colours! :D
The celebration was superb yesterday, hope you like it, Ziq. Especially the macaroni and the hiding-from-teachers part. hahahhaha. Okay laa..it's time for me to go back mugging for MYE. *Riiiiiight* I'll just end up continuing to play. hahhaa. It's either my blog will go into hiatus mode again or it'll be updated. Lazy laa. Ciao! Let me say it once more..HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ACTION! :D
I was quite shocked just now when mum called. What made me even more shock-er is that when she mentioned that she is very very very lonely without the presence of blackie and the pups. They were given to my dad's friend for a while because my mom is afraid that cars might just bang accidentally onto the pups as they had just learnt how to walk. Yes, they can walk. How cute is that? Sadly I cant go back. Cant see them grow day by day D: This proves that dogs DO affect their owners in one way or another despite the owner that at first, don't really care about them (my mum). Haiyayayaya...I'm starting to yearn to go back as soon as possible already :| Okay wait. I shall stop day dreaming about going back cause the reality now is that i've got EXAMS to attend to and some crappy-farty extra classes during the june hols. Dang it.  my black beauty:D
By post:
A big black bug bit a big black bear; make the big...
Just give me a few more days and I will update a l...
HIYYYAAA (beware, long post)
The End - Hiatus
So much for the study mode :D
By month:
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
February 2009
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.