- Haziq says: blog abt theory phase, u did say ure gonna post soem other day - Haziq says: post abt ur current feelings - Haziq says: ur current anoyances - Haziq says: ur bri's BBQ - Haziq says: *bro THOSE ARE THE THINGS I'M GONNA BLOG TODAY. THANKS ZIQ (((:THEORY PHASEAHHHHHHH~~ It's the end of Theory Phase 2007. It's like we're now PARTIALLY free. *SIGH* I have yet to do my MOI first aid and to practise for Footdrill test. We did our MOI footdrill. I can say I did okay la apart from some points that I forgot to mention. Sometimes I just wonder why can't we just straight away go home after our turn finished. It's like so tiring BANGING here and there non-stop. Seriously. Farah and I and some other people from BRAVO couldn't stop laughing at this one girl. Her supposedly to be command was "3 langkah ke belakang, gerak" which means 3 steps to the back, move. BUT she said it as " MERANGKAK" which means "crawling" ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! okay seeesh! I'm so bad. HAHAHAH. And also there's this one girl who said "hentak kaki, cepat JALAN" omg! this one I seriously burst out laughing. I mean, come on! She should pay more attention.Then we had our Footdrill session before the last parade. For a second I thought I'm gonna die there when suddenly my eyes are closed and can't be opened for like 5 secs. The sun was SCORCHING HOT like ohmygod! But I survived. After that I was dragging my feet home. Seriously painful. Went home and pamper myself in the bathroom till my granma knocks on the door thinking I might have died in the bathroom. LOL -.- I HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY FARAH LIKE WEEKS AGO. LOL.FAVOURITESFavourite colour: purple Favourite movie: The Gameplan (it made me wish that my dad is like that) Favourite food: my mom's specially made spaghetti *DROOLS* Favourite sport: is ice skating counted as sports? Favorite day: today (so if tmr u ask me whats my favourite day, I'll still answer today cause there's no day the same as yesterday) Favourite season: summer (Kai <3) Favourite ice cream: caramel brownies vanilla ice cream (the Haagendasz one) CURRENTSCurrent mood: hungry,bored Current clothes: my pajamas Current desktop: umm I dont use desktop, I use my acer laptop <3 Current time: 12.40PM Current annoyances: my cousins all crying like fcuk I think my ears can burst anytime FIRSTFirst best friend: Stanley First crush: Stanley First movie: Power Rangers First lie: "I didn't lie" First music: some Indonesians lullabies LASTSLast drink: mineral water Last crush: my bro's friend.this hot guy.. keh, I'm not telling the name in case my bro read this Last phone call: mom's call from indonesia Last CD played: Zoo Tycoon 2 extinct animal edition HAVE YOU EVERHave you ever dated one of your good friends: like what Farah n Ziq said, going out with 'em is called date already. Have you ever broken the law: downloading from illegal resource,stealing,vandalising O.O Have you ever been arrested: counselled by the police cause I lost my wallet containing my green card Have you ever been on TV: Yes. So many times before *smirks* Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: no but I WAS KISSED by someone i dont know (I'm just plainly irresistable) RANDOM 5 THINGS YOU ARE GOOD AT:#make people annoyed #make people cry #crapping and laughing with YB #burping #cursing 5 THINGS YOU HAVE DONE TODAY:#wake up #eat #go to the toilet #drink #make my cousins cry 5 THINGS YOU CAN HEAR RIGHT NOW#my cousins sobbing #my aunt shouting #granma nagging #helicopter outside #my bro's farting 5 PEOPLE TO TAG#YOU #YOU #YOU #YOU #the small boy beside you ************************* About my bro's BBQ last night, I'll write some other time. This post is very super long already.
OH MY GOD!(:Take note, I'm not gonna blog about the Theory Phase today cause currently I got no mood to do so. Maybe later or tomorrow I'll tell y'all. BY THE WAY,Sorry for the sudden change of blogskin cause I cant bear the last one. Well, that's what happen when I'm so freaking lazy to find a nice one. Oh, Ziq, thanks by the way. I asked him to give me some inspiration so that I got a "theme" in mind on which blogskin to choose. And he said "happiness". And seriously, I went all "gugugaga" finding a blogskin that kind of match with it xD. Typical Lalat *smirks* Anyways..THIS BLOG SONG REMINDS ME OF OUR HIP HOP DANCE SESSION! OMG! I MISS DOING STRETCHING BEFORE DOING OUR STEPS!! AWWWHHHH *FAINTS* however, Mr.CASH sucks ((: TEE HEE HEESo..currently I'll be putting this song as my blog song till I find a better one that fits in with the blogskin. Don't worry, it won't take long. Just bear with the fact that I miss stretching so much (:
TOMORROW PEOPLE!! TOMORROW!!PANIC PANIC!! *run around screaming PUSH POP**GASPPPPPP*THEORY PHASE is tomorrow and I'm just totally unprepared. To make things worst, MOI FOOTDRILL!!!!!!Well I know la..my command is just "berhenti while marching" (how to stop when marching) but OH WELL.. You know how nervous I can get talking to 30++ people PLUS the officers *FAINTS* I know la I did the story telling thingy in front of the whole school of 1100++ people..but AGAIN..this is different. I'm a girl. I'm soft in the heart *bats eye lashes* PLUSSS!!!!THERE IS CAMP WAITING AHEAD!!MUST WE REALLY DO THIS JUST TO BECOME A SERGEANT? *SIGH* SEEMS LIKE THERE'S NO OTHER CHOICE. But come on NABILA! Its just a few more days weeks (seems like YEARS to me) *sigh* and we're gonna be free. BUT WAIT..MOI FIRST AID AND FOOTDRILL TEST *DIES*ARGHHHHH! Can I not do the powerpoint presentation with my buddy? I dont even think she's got a computer *confirm dead* And footdrill test... 30 COMMANDS must be remembered.But I believe my fellow Yellow Bananas can do it! (((((((: Best of luck guys! p/s: Ziq, its not because I stay too long in Singapore that I hate Indonesian songs and sometimes movies. And yes, it is important to know the artist's background, especially the ones that's related to you. And I really mean blood-related.
Okay..sorry for the delay of updating my blog for the I dont know how many days. I actually wanna post about YB outing to ETP and about my brother's birthday surprise but..oh well, once I started typing i dont know how to end it cause so much things happened that day *hints hints* xD Maybe some day when I get really bored to death, I will write the post. In the mean time, just read from the rest of the ybs' blog. Okay so..Later, I mean in approximately 2 hours time I'll be having training with the YB. Shi Hui is leaving for Hong Kong today (issit?) awwwww *sigh* Dont forget to bring us some unique things from there, yeah? *mr.shah's smirk* Last night, I had some random chat with Ziq in msn. We started with playing pool. Then when it came to the last ball, it is always the HARDEST to put inside the hole. So, to make it more exciting and challenging, we do betting. For the first round, the one who didnt manage to put the ball first must treat water for the next theory phase. And guess what? I WIN! *mr.shah's smirk* Then we went for the second round. For the second round, the one who didnt manage to put the ball in must treat Hashbrown. And guess what? I WIN AGAIN! *mr.shah's even WIDER smirk* Then we went for the THIRD round. This time round we bet SAUSAGE MC MUFFIN...IF any one of us manage to put the last 2 balls inside the hole. Damn, I manage to put the first one in..but the second one...Ziq put it in. DAMMMNN. But nevermind la..I let him win one *heheheheh*
OKAY. After betting too much we decided to just chat. AND GUESS WHAT? HAZIQ DREW A COMIC STRIP OF ME! But some are lame ones *SIGH*. So here goes..*points down*
.bmp) This one Ziq is soo perasan. I wont melt because of YOU la! -.-
I like the first one but..suddenly when it came to the second one..*SIGH* .bmp) YEAHHH! WHY ME? *sad* ZIQ!!!!!!!!! THE LASSSSSSSTTTT ONEEE!! SO UNGLAM SIOLL! THIS ONE..NOT BAD! At least I got to be the monster. But the first one..HAIYOO!
YER LA, YER LA, UPDATING LA NI! xDSorry eh. I got no energy to update ah the last 2 days was it? Yesterday I was dead tired. Went home, bathed and straight away drop dead on the bed ((: Typical lalat. TEE HEE HEE. Today woke up, bathed and laze around the house. I was seriously BORED TO DEATH. Read the book on how to make candles and after 5 minutes of reading, I found out that I actually fell asleep. Woke up again and go sewing with my mum. Seriously, I have no talents to sew and I kept on poking the needle onto my thigh *fcuk,ouch* Went to cwp for awhile. Ate Ice Kacang at Banquet there and it reminds me of my first english group with Aishah and Hazirah (wassit?) cause we name our group name Ice Kacang.*awwhh* Hope I can go to etp tomorrow. But everyone is like not sure whether they can go. Mum is going back to indon tomorrow. Hope she will be okay there. Blackie is given away to other people already. Dad said it was best for Blackie. Well whatever eh, Dad. If you give Blackie away, I promise you, I will create a zoo when I grow up later! Blackie has given me soooo much memories. It has been my NUMBER ONE reason why I wanna go back to indon. It made me overcome my fears of dogs. It made me realize why dogs are human's best friends. SERIOUSLY. I found these paragraphs cute yet logical: Practice makes perfect;Nobody is perfect;Then why practice?If bus station is where the bus stops;If train station is where the train stops;In my office, I have a work station..IT SHOULD BE WHERE MY WORK STOPS!OH WELL.
TAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAA!!! ((:THERE GOES...MY SO CALLED "UPGRADED" BLOG Well. I'm sorry about the new skin and song. I got the inspiration from my ybs this morning especially from Ziq for reminding me of THAT guy. Okay SUSH! Mind the tagboard. I chose YELLOW but came out GREEN.So yeah.
- Haziq says: blog abt theory phase, u did say ure gonna post soem other day - Haziq says: post abt ur current feelings - Haziq says: ur current anoyances - Haziq says: ur bri's BBQ - Haziq says: *bro THOSE ARE THE THINGS I'M GONNA BLOG TODAY. THANKS ZIQ (((:THEORY PHASEAHHHHHHH~~ It's the end of Theory Phase 2007. It's like we're now PARTIALLY free. *SIGH* I have yet to do my MOI first aid and to practise for Footdrill test. We did our MOI footdrill. I can say I did okay la apart from some points that I forgot to mention. Sometimes I just wonder why can't we just straight away go home after our turn finished. It's like so tiring BANGING here and there non-stop. Seriously. Farah and I and some other people from BRAVO couldn't stop laughing at this one girl. Her supposedly to be command was "3 langkah ke belakang, gerak" which means 3 steps to the back, move. BUT she said it as " MERANGKAK" which means "crawling" ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! okay seeesh! I'm so bad. HAHAHAH. And also there's this one girl who said "hentak kaki, cepat JALAN" omg! this one I seriously burst out laughing. I mean, come on! She should pay more attention.Then we had our Footdrill session before the last parade. For a second I thought I'm gonna die there when suddenly my eyes are closed and can't be opened for like 5 secs. The sun was SCORCHING HOT like ohmygod! But I survived. After that I was dragging my feet home. Seriously painful. Went home and pamper myself in the bathroom till my granma knocks on the door thinking I might have died in the bathroom. LOL -.- I HAVE BEEN TAGGED BY FARAH LIKE WEEKS AGO. LOL.FAVOURITESFavourite colour: purple Favourite movie: The Gameplan (it made me wish that my dad is like that) Favourite food: my mom's specially made spaghetti *DROOLS* Favourite sport: is ice skating counted as sports? Favorite day: today (so if tmr u ask me whats my favourite day, I'll still answer today cause there's no day the same as yesterday) Favourite season: summer (Kai <3) Favourite ice cream: caramel brownies vanilla ice cream (the Haagendasz one) CURRENTSCurrent mood: hungry,bored Current clothes: my pajamas Current desktop: umm I dont use desktop, I use my acer laptop <3 Current time: 12.40PM Current annoyances: my cousins all crying like fcuk I think my ears can burst anytime FIRSTFirst best friend: Stanley First crush: Stanley First movie: Power Rangers First lie: "I didn't lie" First music: some Indonesians lullabies LASTSLast drink: mineral water Last crush: my bro's friend.this hot guy.. keh, I'm not telling the name in case my bro read this Last phone call: mom's call from indonesia Last CD played: Zoo Tycoon 2 extinct animal edition HAVE YOU EVERHave you ever dated one of your good friends: like what Farah n Ziq said, going out with 'em is called date already. Have you ever broken the law: downloading from illegal resource,stealing,vandalising O.O Have you ever been arrested: counselled by the police cause I lost my wallet containing my green card Have you ever been on TV: Yes. So many times before *smirks* Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: no but I WAS KISSED by someone i dont know (I'm just plainly irresistable) RANDOM 5 THINGS YOU ARE GOOD AT:#make people annoyed #make people cry #crapping and laughing with YB #burping #cursing 5 THINGS YOU HAVE DONE TODAY:#wake up #eat #go to the toilet #drink #make my cousins cry 5 THINGS YOU CAN HEAR RIGHT NOW#my cousins sobbing #my aunt shouting #granma nagging #helicopter outside #my bro's farting 5 PEOPLE TO TAG#YOU #YOU #YOU #YOU #the small boy beside you ************************* About my bro's BBQ last night, I'll write some other time. This post is very super long already.
OH MY GOD!(:Take note, I'm not gonna blog about the Theory Phase today cause currently I got no mood to do so. Maybe later or tomorrow I'll tell y'all. BY THE WAY,Sorry for the sudden change of blogskin cause I cant bear the last one. Well, that's what happen when I'm so freaking lazy to find a nice one. Oh, Ziq, thanks by the way. I asked him to give me some inspiration so that I got a "theme" in mind on which blogskin to choose. And he said "happiness". And seriously, I went all "gugugaga" finding a blogskin that kind of match with it xD. Typical Lalat *smirks* Anyways..THIS BLOG SONG REMINDS ME OF OUR HIP HOP DANCE SESSION! OMG! I MISS DOING STRETCHING BEFORE DOING OUR STEPS!! AWWWHHHH *FAINTS* however, Mr.CASH sucks ((: TEE HEE HEESo..currently I'll be putting this song as my blog song till I find a better one that fits in with the blogskin. Don't worry, it won't take long. Just bear with the fact that I miss stretching so much (:
TOMORROW PEOPLE!! TOMORROW!!PANIC PANIC!! *run around screaming PUSH POP**GASPPPPPP*THEORY PHASE is tomorrow and I'm just totally unprepared. To make things worst, MOI FOOTDRILL!!!!!!Well I know la..my command is just "berhenti while marching" (how to stop when marching) but OH WELL.. You know how nervous I can get talking to 30++ people PLUS the officers *FAINTS* I know la I did the story telling thingy in front of the whole school of 1100++ people..but AGAIN..this is different. I'm a girl. I'm soft in the heart *bats eye lashes* PLUSSS!!!!THERE IS CAMP WAITING AHEAD!!MUST WE REALLY DO THIS JUST TO BECOME A SERGEANT? *SIGH* SEEMS LIKE THERE'S NO OTHER CHOICE. But come on NABILA! Its just a few more days weeks (seems like YEARS to me) *sigh* and we're gonna be free. BUT WAIT..MOI FIRST AID AND FOOTDRILL TEST *DIES*ARGHHHHH! Can I not do the powerpoint presentation with my buddy? I dont even think she's got a computer *confirm dead* And footdrill test... 30 COMMANDS must be remembered.But I believe my fellow Yellow Bananas can do it! (((((((: Best of luck guys! p/s: Ziq, its not because I stay too long in Singapore that I hate Indonesian songs and sometimes movies. And yes, it is important to know the artist's background, especially the ones that's related to you. And I really mean blood-related.
Okay..sorry for the delay of updating my blog for the I dont know how many days. I actually wanna post about YB outing to ETP and about my brother's birthday surprise but..oh well, once I started typing i dont know how to end it cause so much things happened that day *hints hints* xD Maybe some day when I get really bored to death, I will write the post. In the mean time, just read from the rest of the ybs' blog. Okay so..Later, I mean in approximately 2 hours time I'll be having training with the YB. Shi Hui is leaving for Hong Kong today (issit?) awwwww *sigh* Dont forget to bring us some unique things from there, yeah? *mr.shah's smirk* Last night, I had some random chat with Ziq in msn. We started with playing pool. Then when it came to the last ball, it is always the HARDEST to put inside the hole. So, to make it more exciting and challenging, we do betting. For the first round, the one who didnt manage to put the ball first must treat water for the next theory phase. And guess what? I WIN! *mr.shah's smirk* Then we went for the second round. For the second round, the one who didnt manage to put the ball in must treat Hashbrown. And guess what? I WIN AGAIN! *mr.shah's even WIDER smirk* Then we went for the THIRD round. This time round we bet SAUSAGE MC MUFFIN...IF any one of us manage to put the last 2 balls inside the hole. Damn, I manage to put the first one in..but the second one...Ziq put it in. DAMMMNN. But nevermind la..I let him win one *heheheheh*
OKAY. After betting too much we decided to just chat. AND GUESS WHAT? HAZIQ DREW A COMIC STRIP OF ME! But some are lame ones *SIGH*. So here goes..*points down*
.bmp) This one Ziq is soo perasan. I wont melt because of YOU la! -.-
I like the first one but..suddenly when it came to the second one..*SIGH* .bmp) YEAHHH! WHY ME? *sad* ZIQ!!!!!!!!! THE LASSSSSSSTTTT ONEEE!! SO UNGLAM SIOLL! THIS ONE..NOT BAD! At least I got to be the monster. But the first one..HAIYOO!
YER LA, YER LA, UPDATING LA NI! xDSorry eh. I got no energy to update ah the last 2 days was it? Yesterday I was dead tired. Went home, bathed and straight away drop dead on the bed ((: Typical lalat. TEE HEE HEE. Today woke up, bathed and laze around the house. I was seriously BORED TO DEATH. Read the book on how to make candles and after 5 minutes of reading, I found out that I actually fell asleep. Woke up again and go sewing with my mum. Seriously, I have no talents to sew and I kept on poking the needle onto my thigh *fcuk,ouch* Went to cwp for awhile. Ate Ice Kacang at Banquet there and it reminds me of my first english group with Aishah and Hazirah (wassit?) cause we name our group name Ice Kacang.*awwhh* Hope I can go to etp tomorrow. But everyone is like not sure whether they can go. Mum is going back to indon tomorrow. Hope she will be okay there. Blackie is given away to other people already. Dad said it was best for Blackie. Well whatever eh, Dad. If you give Blackie away, I promise you, I will create a zoo when I grow up later! Blackie has given me soooo much memories. It has been my NUMBER ONE reason why I wanna go back to indon. It made me overcome my fears of dogs. It made me realize why dogs are human's best friends. SERIOUSLY. I found these paragraphs cute yet logical: Practice makes perfect;Nobody is perfect;Then why practice?If bus station is where the bus stops;If train station is where the train stops;In my office, I have a work station..IT SHOULD BE WHERE MY WORK STOPS!OH WELL.
TAAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAA!!! ((:THERE GOES...MY SO CALLED "UPGRADED" BLOG Well. I'm sorry about the new skin and song. I got the inspiration from my ybs this morning especially from Ziq for reminding me of THAT guy. Okay SUSH! Mind the tagboard. I chose YELLOW but came out GREEN.So yeah.
By post:
A big black bug bit a big black bear; make the big...
Just give me a few more days and I will update a l...
HIYYYAAA (beware, long post)
The End - Hiatus
So much for the study mode :D
By month:
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
February 2009
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.