There is so much things happening and I don't know where to start. Its raining non-stop here and I'm sitting here, waiting for YBs to come back home. I need and missed my YBs badly. Ais, maybe I'll call you tonight. Cut my hair. The problems with Kok is still unsettled. It's getting worse. Yesterday, I reached Aceh in the morning. Mom made promise that when the rain stopped we will go to my neighbour's house and collect Blackie from them. But the rain didn't stop. When I reached my house I was expecting to just see Blackie's house but it was nowhere to be found. My heart sank slowly like how the Titanic sank (okeh lame). Try to imagine that you are going to this place just to meet someone you really and badly missed but when you reach, that someone is nowhere to be found.*SIGH*KOK, GET THIS MESSAGE RIGHT. YOU WANT TO JUMP DOWN, YOU WANT TO DIE, YOU WANT TO MAKE MY LIFE HARD, I DON'T CARE. I TOTALY DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME. JUST FCUK YOURSELF UPSIDE DOWN.AND YOU TOO, MISS LAM.
GOBSHIT! Tomorrow school and I'm still here. Well, SO WHAT?Tomorrow mom and dad coming *SIGH* I'm scared to tell them about my marks, not like as if I know any. But still..No improvements in HM. Its winter now and it gets so dull and boring. Can't plant any vege nor fruits *SIGH* But SUMMER COMIN UP SOON, ya know what I mean((:To Aishah, I'm sorry I can't go to Geylang just now cause need to go sembawang and shop. Really really sorry, babe): I end up going home alone with 10kg of things in my hands cause Diaz left me to his GF's house. So sadd )):I'm becoming more like nenek *hints hints*, go shopping la, clean up house la..*SIGH* I miss the old me where I can just laze and gelek my cutest ass *hints hints* around((:I WANT TO WATCH RESIDENT EVIL EXTINCTION!!please, Diaz please? *SIGH* I know la... you would rather go with your GF *SIGH*
_05.png) _06.png) KAI left me *sigh*. Summer's over and he got to go back to his hometown. He said this on the last day after I gave him pineapples, "I'm thinking of not leaving this town cause I want to stay with you." And I go all *FAINTS*. He even wished me happy birthday~~ AHHHH! why do you have to leave me~ *sigh* Its all because of that damn BED that I can't propose him.Haizz.. But at least he came just for me during the Full Moon Festival~~ OKAY DAMNIT. I've been like totally blogging about HM. I need to take a break, man. HM totally rocks my pants off! Nats joining also.AHHH! Right here and right now I'm chatting with 4 people at one go which is like so confusing for me. One is Aishah who asked me about putting henna tomorrow for hari raya and Haziq goes, "eh minahchi pakai henna bleh nampak ke? tangan terlalu gelapkan.." Which means.."eh minahchi (Aishah's indian name) wear henna can see meh? The hands too dark what.." DAMN THAT ZIQ!(LOOK WHO's TALKING, DUDE. *hints hints*)
Tomorrow is going to be tomorrow. *SIGH* Our debate money ($75) dah melayang (fly away), goodbye oh sayang~~
YESSA ZIQ! I SMELLED FREEDOM TOO. (EXCEPT FOR SOME "PENG" SMELL COMING OUT FROM SOMEONE *hints hints*) Had our last day of EOY just now. Maths Paper 2 was okay except for the graph. BLEARGHS! Art was worse. I colour too much that somehow my index finger was bend into some awkward position and I cant even move it for like 2 mins and I have to bend it to the normal position. For a second I tought my finger was broken -.-Still talking about art, after like finish colouring everything, I stare at my work, thinking that something was missing. Like after 5 secs I was stiffling my giggles. I FORGOT TO DRAW MY BANANA!!! *sigh*Went home with Ais, Rawr and Syrup. Drenched from head to toe. To Farah, I told you not to wave at the banglas already! See lah! What if they come and cross the road then wait for you at the bus stop? HA! I'll be laughing my ass off by then.Went home straight away on comp. Play HM for awhile until got no mood to play already. Ziq was telling me to put all my animals outside and fence them to raise their affection. I cant make fences around the field somehow and that made me think of restarting the whole game again. *sigh*Ziq, Im not marrying my cows or sheeps or chickens or dog or horse. I dont give a damn about their affection towards me. least a little bt still..oh well.So luckily i didnt restart the whole game and still keep my animals indoor. I was soooo VERY lucky cause a few days after that they announced that there will be TYPHOON and I have to keep the animals indoor. HENG AH! At least I dont have waste my time pushing my cows' and sheeps' heavy butts. TEEHEEHEE. ((:
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Just only finish my art (11.09PM)
- Can't paste all the Mathematics formula in my head
GAWSH! Spent half the day abandoning Art for chatting with Roxanne and Harvest Moon. *DUH!* My shoulder hurts so much. My butt also hurt so very much cause I think I sit too much (OHMYGOD! shldnt sit too much or else my butt is growing bigger.Its the BUTT curse!*GASP!*) Ziq could not stop with his acting cute teary chimpanzee emoticon that got me puking blood. Nasirah got me worried cause she dont have sharpener and clean calculator for tomorrow's exam =.= Shi Hui was so worried that I would say that Shi Shi means urinate =.= YB is soo KECOH (troublesome) today! And Im SOOO IN LOVE WITH THIS BANANA ((:*points up*(this was random)
Sorry can't update yesterday. I was so drowned in Harvest Moon ((: So today, right now, right here, I'm gonna fill you peeps with what happened yesterday. From morning until afternoon which is like 5.10, I had been playing Harvest Moon with Ziq. Ziq was like.."I'm going to marry Cliff. Must give him curry rice everyday (Cliff's fav food). Like KELING (the indians) sia!" Well, Ziq was unlike me. I told him.."Im going to marry Kai. He's the HAWTYY!" and Ziq was like.."He only come during the summer. And by the way, he is black like me, very cool.*mr shah's smirk*" WHATEVER~ At 5.45 went out with Ais, Syrup and Sushee to break fast outside. So we went to Causeway Point. Everywhere packed la sia! We spent like 30 mins going up and down. And finally we go to Civic Centre and eat Mc Dees there. Nasirah almost threw Ais's handphone and wallet into the dustbin inside the DAMN smelly toilet ((: At 20.00++ we went back home. Everyone reached safe and sound(: Reach home, straight away on laptop then play again. Chat with Roxanne till 2am++. And she sent me the sweetest thing anyone has ever send me((((((((((((((((((((: THANK YOU,LOVEThen I had a hard time falling asleep. Roxanne was like:You better sleep or I'll shoot you. Me:Shoot me, Love. Roxanne: DAMMIT, GO TO BED. Me: *laughing my ass off* Roxanne:Shouldn't you as a wife sleep early and wake up early and cook breakfast and lunch for me? Me:You're better in cooking ((: Roxanne:Then I should just tie you and throw you on the streets.Abandon you. Me:nonono omgomgomg (and straight away I'm off to bed) GEEEHEEEHEEE
OK peeps! I'm back from HIATUS. This is my new skin. Sorry, yeah i know its messy bt pls bear with it. IM GONNA FAIL HISTORY,GONNA FAIL HISTORY,GONNA FAIL HISTORY!!!!Im so scared that I'll fail my history.What will my parents say?GAWSH Everyone is still the same~~ Aishah is as MINAHCI as ever; Haziq keeps on shaking his so called " WHITER" ass and this time it bounces back; Nasirah aka NENEK is starting to STEP RAPPING her nenekness off; Sushee is following nenek's step which is to RAP;Farah is stepping CUTE as ever; And me? Im the NEUTRAL one hehehehehe. So..thats it peeps. And puhlease ziq, farah and nenek, stop showing me that "SHAH" smirk emo. It irritates me from head to toe.
There is so much things happening and I don't know where to start. Its raining non-stop here and I'm sitting here, waiting for YBs to come back home. I need and missed my YBs badly. Ais, maybe I'll call you tonight. Cut my hair. The problems with Kok is still unsettled. It's getting worse. Yesterday, I reached Aceh in the morning. Mom made promise that when the rain stopped we will go to my neighbour's house and collect Blackie from them. But the rain didn't stop. When I reached my house I was expecting to just see Blackie's house but it was nowhere to be found. My heart sank slowly like how the Titanic sank (okeh lame). Try to imagine that you are going to this place just to meet someone you really and badly missed but when you reach, that someone is nowhere to be found.*SIGH*KOK, GET THIS MESSAGE RIGHT. YOU WANT TO JUMP DOWN, YOU WANT TO DIE, YOU WANT TO MAKE MY LIFE HARD, I DON'T CARE. I TOTALY DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME. JUST FCUK YOURSELF UPSIDE DOWN.AND YOU TOO, MISS LAM.
GOBSHIT! Tomorrow school and I'm still here. Well, SO WHAT?Tomorrow mom and dad coming *SIGH* I'm scared to tell them about my marks, not like as if I know any. But still..No improvements in HM. Its winter now and it gets so dull and boring. Can't plant any vege nor fruits *SIGH* But SUMMER COMIN UP SOON, ya know what I mean((:To Aishah, I'm sorry I can't go to Geylang just now cause need to go sembawang and shop. Really really sorry, babe): I end up going home alone with 10kg of things in my hands cause Diaz left me to his GF's house. So sadd )):I'm becoming more like nenek *hints hints*, go shopping la, clean up house la..*SIGH* I miss the old me where I can just laze and gelek my cutest ass *hints hints* around((:I WANT TO WATCH RESIDENT EVIL EXTINCTION!!please, Diaz please? *SIGH* I know la... you would rather go with your GF *SIGH*
_05.png) _06.png) KAI left me *sigh*. Summer's over and he got to go back to his hometown. He said this on the last day after I gave him pineapples, "I'm thinking of not leaving this town cause I want to stay with you." And I go all *FAINTS*. He even wished me happy birthday~~ AHHHH! why do you have to leave me~ *sigh* Its all because of that damn BED that I can't propose him.Haizz.. But at least he came just for me during the Full Moon Festival~~ OKAY DAMNIT. I've been like totally blogging about HM. I need to take a break, man. HM totally rocks my pants off! Nats joining also.AHHH! Right here and right now I'm chatting with 4 people at one go which is like so confusing for me. One is Aishah who asked me about putting henna tomorrow for hari raya and Haziq goes, "eh minahchi pakai henna bleh nampak ke? tangan terlalu gelapkan.." Which means.."eh minahchi (Aishah's indian name) wear henna can see meh? The hands too dark what.." DAMN THAT ZIQ!(LOOK WHO's TALKING, DUDE. *hints hints*)
Tomorrow is going to be tomorrow. *SIGH* Our debate money ($75) dah melayang (fly away), goodbye oh sayang~~
YESSA ZIQ! I SMELLED FREEDOM TOO. (EXCEPT FOR SOME "PENG" SMELL COMING OUT FROM SOMEONE *hints hints*) Had our last day of EOY just now. Maths Paper 2 was okay except for the graph. BLEARGHS! Art was worse. I colour too much that somehow my index finger was bend into some awkward position and I cant even move it for like 2 mins and I have to bend it to the normal position. For a second I tought my finger was broken -.-Still talking about art, after like finish colouring everything, I stare at my work, thinking that something was missing. Like after 5 secs I was stiffling my giggles. I FORGOT TO DRAW MY BANANA!!! *sigh*Went home with Ais, Rawr and Syrup. Drenched from head to toe. To Farah, I told you not to wave at the banglas already! See lah! What if they come and cross the road then wait for you at the bus stop? HA! I'll be laughing my ass off by then.Went home straight away on comp. Play HM for awhile until got no mood to play already. Ziq was telling me to put all my animals outside and fence them to raise their affection. I cant make fences around the field somehow and that made me think of restarting the whole game again. *sigh*Ziq, Im not marrying my cows or sheeps or chickens or dog or horse. I dont give a damn about their affection towards me. least a little bt still..oh well.So luckily i didnt restart the whole game and still keep my animals indoor. I was soooo VERY lucky cause a few days after that they announced that there will be TYPHOON and I have to keep the animals indoor. HENG AH! At least I dont have waste my time pushing my cows' and sheeps' heavy butts. TEEHEEHEE. ((:
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2
- Just only finish my art (11.09PM)
- Can't paste all the Mathematics formula in my head
GAWSH! Spent half the day abandoning Art for chatting with Roxanne and Harvest Moon. *DUH!* My shoulder hurts so much. My butt also hurt so very much cause I think I sit too much (OHMYGOD! shldnt sit too much or else my butt is growing bigger.Its the BUTT curse!*GASP!*) Ziq could not stop with his acting cute teary chimpanzee emoticon that got me puking blood. Nasirah got me worried cause she dont have sharpener and clean calculator for tomorrow's exam =.= Shi Hui was so worried that I would say that Shi Shi means urinate =.= YB is soo KECOH (troublesome) today! And Im SOOO IN LOVE WITH THIS BANANA ((:*points up*(this was random)
Sorry can't update yesterday. I was so drowned in Harvest Moon ((: So today, right now, right here, I'm gonna fill you peeps with what happened yesterday. From morning until afternoon which is like 5.10, I had been playing Harvest Moon with Ziq. Ziq was like.."I'm going to marry Cliff. Must give him curry rice everyday (Cliff's fav food). Like KELING (the indians) sia!" Well, Ziq was unlike me. I told him.."Im going to marry Kai. He's the HAWTYY!" and Ziq was like.."He only come during the summer. And by the way, he is black like me, very cool.*mr shah's smirk*" WHATEVER~ At 5.45 went out with Ais, Syrup and Sushee to break fast outside. So we went to Causeway Point. Everywhere packed la sia! We spent like 30 mins going up and down. And finally we go to Civic Centre and eat Mc Dees there. Nasirah almost threw Ais's handphone and wallet into the dustbin inside the DAMN smelly toilet ((: At 20.00++ we went back home. Everyone reached safe and sound(: Reach home, straight away on laptop then play again. Chat with Roxanne till 2am++. And she sent me the sweetest thing anyone has ever send me((((((((((((((((((((: THANK YOU,LOVEThen I had a hard time falling asleep. Roxanne was like:You better sleep or I'll shoot you. Me:Shoot me, Love. Roxanne: DAMMIT, GO TO BED. Me: *laughing my ass off* Roxanne:Shouldn't you as a wife sleep early and wake up early and cook breakfast and lunch for me? Me:You're better in cooking ((: Roxanne:Then I should just tie you and throw you on the streets.Abandon you. Me:nonono omgomgomg (and straight away I'm off to bed) GEEEHEEEHEEE
OK peeps! I'm back from HIATUS. This is my new skin. Sorry, yeah i know its messy bt pls bear with it. IM GONNA FAIL HISTORY,GONNA FAIL HISTORY,GONNA FAIL HISTORY!!!!Im so scared that I'll fail my history.What will my parents say?GAWSH Everyone is still the same~~ Aishah is as MINAHCI as ever; Haziq keeps on shaking his so called " WHITER" ass and this time it bounces back; Nasirah aka NENEK is starting to STEP RAPPING her nenekness off; Sushee is following nenek's step which is to RAP;Farah is stepping CUTE as ever; And me? Im the NEUTRAL one hehehehehe. So..thats it peeps. And puhlease ziq, farah and nenek, stop showing me that "SHAH" smirk emo. It irritates me from head to toe.
By post:
A big black bug bit a big black bear; make the big...
Just give me a few more days and I will update a l...
HIYYYAAA (beware, long post)
The End - Hiatus
So much for the study mode :D
By month:
August 2007
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Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.