24 AUGUST 2007 18:37
We had a memorial for Jian De before he go to Australia. It was undescribeable.
First, we read to him our messages.We go in the ZALSSR sequence. Haziq first, Aishah, then me, followed by Nasirah, Shi Hui and Farah. When it was my turn I halfway stopped in the middle. I cant hold my tears any longer. And there, I started crying, breaking the spell among YBs. Yes. Im the spoiler of the show but I just cant stand it any longer...
Then we had the GRAND performance. We, the YBs sang "When you're gone" for Jian De. Its soo saddening cause everyone was crying and trying to keep up with the lyric.And then I saw Jian De cried. Oh My GOD! It made m cry even harder.Dont cry, Jian De. We'll always be here for you (:
Well, actually im speechless and bad at this kind of thing but IM TRYING.
I really hope that you will have better friends in Aust.Better life.Better school and education.And dont forget, FIND A GIRLFRIEND ((:
Dont forget about us, alright? We will really miss you. It will be VERY different without you. I really wish u dont even have to go. But who am I to make you dont go? REMEMBER. I will always remember every little tiny mini bits of you.
Thanks for being a very good and special friend. Im sorry if I ever treat you like shit or even ignore you. I really am sorry for every single little tiny mini bits that I've done wrong to you.
when you're gone pieces of my heart are missing you when you're gone the face i came to know is missing too when you're gone the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it okay I'll miss you
remember this song, remember YB
DANGGGGGG!Felt so much like a sore loser shitty tooot shit today. FASTING. Yes thats the problem. It will always reminds me that I still have 9 more days to fast to pay back last year's. *GASP*So on Saturday, watched The Ring with my brother and Ziq (well not really with him but through msn). Really got spooked by the movie. After the movie, when I go to the toilet, I'll imagine either Samara crawling out of the toilet bowl or she will be sitting on the toilet bowl with her hair down when i open the door. SERIOUSLY. These thoughts gave me goosebumps in the toilet ((:Maths test I'll probably failed. DOOOOOOOH! I didnt even know that there will be test on that day. So yeah, there goes my maths (:It sucks, really really sucks. Why must we learn algebra and stuff. Its SERIOUSLY USELESS.THERE, MY BLOG IS UPDATED (:I dont know why (other than my STM) but really, my mind is blank and I dont know what to write in this bloggie. And this make me feel more like a dumbass shits(:Currently helping my Pri 1 cussie do his "I love my family because..." homework.And I dont really know what to answer cause I dont find anything to love in my family and so I asked Ziq.Thanks Ziq(: cause Im really clueless in this shit.
OMG OMG OMG NDP IS TOMORROW!(The school one lahhh!)+havent polish boots+havent fix badges+havent even iron the uniformAnd Im sitting here, reading people's blogs instead of starting to do any of the above. Seriously. I feel like a crap right now. School was like shit. That bastard really really spoil the day. Had chocolate day with Aishah. Went home and find no one inside. Did not eat anything until just now dinner time. Currently reading how to polish boots from the internet. All of them was like useless crap toooot shit. Really, I mean seriously. Different people, different ways of polishing. And i just dont know which one to choose.Ha iihhhss..And now my little cousins are making fun of me cause im scared of frogs. Holy crap.
NDP reahearsal was SUCKISH. Its not worth what I'd done last night which was polishing my boots which just wont shine and ter-poked THOUSANDS holes on my fingers just to fix the badges. Again, NDP rehearsal was SUCKISH. I was forced to sing Singapore national anthem and say the pledge which made me feel much like a TRAITOR. School today was filled with TESTs. Had Maths (which I dont even know that it'll be today and I think I'll fail), Literature (which has nothing so special about it) and English (which made me SQUEEZE my brain to understand the comprehension). NDP is 2 days away and Im seriously not looking forward to it (Im looking forward to my own country's which falls on 17 August and guess what? THERE ISNT ANY HOLIDAYS.) This really really REALLY made me feel much like an asshole to my own country. REMINDER TO SUSHEE AND SYRUP (or whoever trying to make me confess): Again, just give it up, guys. Like what Hazirah had said, "People who are born in July are VERY secretive." ((: Anyway, I dont have any, okeh? Aishah had stopped it already, so you people must do the same ((: Had another picnic infront of the MommaShop(: Thank GOODNESS,GRACIOUS that we dont have any confession time(: Miss my mom <3
This morning I had to drag my butt off my bed and i cant even manage to open my eyes. Its all because of sleeping at god knows whats the time i slept cause of watching channel 5. Watched the 9.30 news and saw Kethlyn ( I think thats her name ) being interviewed and a glimpse of Abu Sofian in one of the room. *smirking at someone* Its kind of cool and funny at the same time seeing people you know being interviewed or caught at one of the scene. (no offence! Its kind of rare you know, to get to be inside the news/tv) Okay. So just now went to Sunplaza with my brother and my aunt and my 3 cussies to send Ilham (one of the 3 cussies) for his piano lesson. Went to the library there but didnt manage to find anything interesting.After Ilham finished his piano lesson, we went to causeway point. Naaah. In the causeway point, while waiting for my aunt to finish shopping at cold storage, I and my brother had to take care of the three cussies. I sat on one of the chairs outside the cold storage,eating ice cream ( my aunt's treat(: ) while my brother standing somewhere near there eating his ice cream. Well, I sat beside this old woman. And seriously, I was laughing my ass off when she talked to my brother. Their conversation goes like this: Old woman (looking at my brother): Are these three children your children? My brother:No. They are my cousins.Old woman: Oh My God! Really? I thought you two are married. (turning her head to me) And I was thinking, whoah! so young married, got three children already!Me: ( I was busy laughing my ass off)My brother:No laah.Old woman:Really. I mean last time people married at 12 you know? (at this point i was thinking of Maria Hertogh though she married at 13)My brother:Hahahaha, yeah.Old woman:Well, you look like as if you're 17 or 19. Handsome some more (at this point i was like going to vomit blood) but then you got some pimples at your face. (BWHAHAHAHHAHA!)Okay i'll end the convo here cause it seemed like a never-ending-conversation. Well, seriously. I was like "Omg, that means since last time when i went out with my brother people will thought that we are married couple? OMG, that'll be sooooo ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. And again,seriously. I was like YESSA! At last got people say he handsome but got pimples. BWAHAHHAHAHHAHA!" I think i'll end my entry for today here and if you are interested of hearing the continuation for this convo you can ask me at school(:
Okay. So today which is just now, Farah, Nasirah, Shi Hui and me went to library and "study". Quite fun actually but didnt even manage to do finish my homework. Currently i had only done 1 1/3 question(s) of Maths homework which is about mean,median and mode(: SERIOUSLY. I dont find the need for us to study THOSE things. Its like so useless (no offence!) Had "tea-lunch" break at Mc Dees before going home. Again, SERIOUSLY, I hate eating apple pie. The fillings kept on coming out from the sides when I bite it. Its like so ewwww (no offence!) But well, I cant deny that it is quite tasty(: Had another " CONFESSION" time there. Well, of course I hate to confess about those things and yes, Sushee and Syrup I knew yours both already so you all dont have to kept on repeating them over and over again. It wont make me confess mine(: NOTE TO SUSHEE AND SYRUP:Give it up already guys. Im not telling you all that early (since I dont have one). Isnt it more exciting if you all kept on guessing rather than knowing it?(: Its so fun seeing you all with that I-want-to-know face. Really,seriously. You guys look cute in those faces(: and so be it, stay that way. Did something quite silly on the way back home just now. In the 962 bus when I was getting down, I dont know what happen to my right hand that it almost smacked an old man's head whose sitting in front of me. Unfortunately, only kena the HAIR! I was like muttering "Oh shit! Why never hit?" Okeh, shits, Im going too over already(: Im a good girl. How could i even do that to an old man. Pity him. And Aishah and Haziq. How I really wished you all were there. It would have been much more FUN(:
YAY!! Yeeeeeeeeeehhhaaaaak!! AT LAST! PHEW. hahahaha.Thanks Shi Hui (: YOU ARE REALLY GREAT. Okay. I won't be talking much this time round just a grand opening of this shitty bloggie. By the way people, please dont forget to SCROLL IT TO THE RIGHT. Okay YBs, the lalatelle's blog is here(: but i'm not sure if i will update it regularly. By the way go through the www.imlalat.blogspot.com first.
24 AUGUST 2007 18:37
We had a memorial for Jian De before he go to Australia. It was undescribeable.
First, we read to him our messages.We go in the ZALSSR sequence. Haziq first, Aishah, then me, followed by Nasirah, Shi Hui and Farah. When it was my turn I halfway stopped in the middle. I cant hold my tears any longer. And there, I started crying, breaking the spell among YBs. Yes. Im the spoiler of the show but I just cant stand it any longer...
Then we had the GRAND performance. We, the YBs sang "When you're gone" for Jian De. Its soo saddening cause everyone was crying and trying to keep up with the lyric.And then I saw Jian De cried. Oh My GOD! It made m cry even harder.Dont cry, Jian De. We'll always be here for you (:
Well, actually im speechless and bad at this kind of thing but IM TRYING.
I really hope that you will have better friends in Aust.Better life.Better school and education.And dont forget, FIND A GIRLFRIEND ((:
Dont forget about us, alright? We will really miss you. It will be VERY different without you. I really wish u dont even have to go. But who am I to make you dont go? REMEMBER. I will always remember every little tiny mini bits of you.
Thanks for being a very good and special friend. Im sorry if I ever treat you like shit or even ignore you. I really am sorry for every single little tiny mini bits that I've done wrong to you.
when you're gone pieces of my heart are missing you when you're gone the face i came to know is missing too when you're gone the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it okay I'll miss you
remember this song, remember YB
DANGGGGGG!Felt so much like a sore loser shitty tooot shit today. FASTING. Yes thats the problem. It will always reminds me that I still have 9 more days to fast to pay back last year's. *GASP*So on Saturday, watched The Ring with my brother and Ziq (well not really with him but through msn). Really got spooked by the movie. After the movie, when I go to the toilet, I'll imagine either Samara crawling out of the toilet bowl or she will be sitting on the toilet bowl with her hair down when i open the door. SERIOUSLY. These thoughts gave me goosebumps in the toilet ((:Maths test I'll probably failed. DOOOOOOOH! I didnt even know that there will be test on that day. So yeah, there goes my maths (:It sucks, really really sucks. Why must we learn algebra and stuff. Its SERIOUSLY USELESS.THERE, MY BLOG IS UPDATED (:I dont know why (other than my STM) but really, my mind is blank and I dont know what to write in this bloggie. And this make me feel more like a dumbass shits(:Currently helping my Pri 1 cussie do his "I love my family because..." homework.And I dont really know what to answer cause I dont find anything to love in my family and so I asked Ziq.Thanks Ziq(: cause Im really clueless in this shit.
OMG OMG OMG NDP IS TOMORROW!(The school one lahhh!)+havent polish boots+havent fix badges+havent even iron the uniformAnd Im sitting here, reading people's blogs instead of starting to do any of the above. Seriously. I feel like a crap right now. School was like shit. That bastard really really spoil the day. Had chocolate day with Aishah. Went home and find no one inside. Did not eat anything until just now dinner time. Currently reading how to polish boots from the internet. All of them was like useless crap toooot shit. Really, I mean seriously. Different people, different ways of polishing. And i just dont know which one to choose.Ha iihhhss..And now my little cousins are making fun of me cause im scared of frogs. Holy crap.
NDP reahearsal was SUCKISH. Its not worth what I'd done last night which was polishing my boots which just wont shine and ter-poked THOUSANDS holes on my fingers just to fix the badges. Again, NDP rehearsal was SUCKISH. I was forced to sing Singapore national anthem and say the pledge which made me feel much like a TRAITOR. School today was filled with TESTs. Had Maths (which I dont even know that it'll be today and I think I'll fail), Literature (which has nothing so special about it) and English (which made me SQUEEZE my brain to understand the comprehension). NDP is 2 days away and Im seriously not looking forward to it (Im looking forward to my own country's which falls on 17 August and guess what? THERE ISNT ANY HOLIDAYS.) This really really REALLY made me feel much like an asshole to my own country. REMINDER TO SUSHEE AND SYRUP (or whoever trying to make me confess): Again, just give it up, guys. Like what Hazirah had said, "People who are born in July are VERY secretive." ((: Anyway, I dont have any, okeh? Aishah had stopped it already, so you people must do the same ((: Had another picnic infront of the MommaShop(: Thank GOODNESS,GRACIOUS that we dont have any confession time(: Miss my mom <3
This morning I had to drag my butt off my bed and i cant even manage to open my eyes. Its all because of sleeping at god knows whats the time i slept cause of watching channel 5. Watched the 9.30 news and saw Kethlyn ( I think thats her name ) being interviewed and a glimpse of Abu Sofian in one of the room. *smirking at someone* Its kind of cool and funny at the same time seeing people you know being interviewed or caught at one of the scene. (no offence! Its kind of rare you know, to get to be inside the news/tv) Okay. So just now went to Sunplaza with my brother and my aunt and my 3 cussies to send Ilham (one of the 3 cussies) for his piano lesson. Went to the library there but didnt manage to find anything interesting.After Ilham finished his piano lesson, we went to causeway point. Naaah. In the causeway point, while waiting for my aunt to finish shopping at cold storage, I and my brother had to take care of the three cussies. I sat on one of the chairs outside the cold storage,eating ice cream ( my aunt's treat(: ) while my brother standing somewhere near there eating his ice cream. Well, I sat beside this old woman. And seriously, I was laughing my ass off when she talked to my brother. Their conversation goes like this: Old woman (looking at my brother): Are these three children your children? My brother:No. They are my cousins.Old woman: Oh My God! Really? I thought you two are married. (turning her head to me) And I was thinking, whoah! so young married, got three children already!Me: ( I was busy laughing my ass off)My brother:No laah.Old woman:Really. I mean last time people married at 12 you know? (at this point i was thinking of Maria Hertogh though she married at 13)My brother:Hahahaha, yeah.Old woman:Well, you look like as if you're 17 or 19. Handsome some more (at this point i was like going to vomit blood) but then you got some pimples at your face. (BWHAHAHAHHAHA!)Okay i'll end the convo here cause it seemed like a never-ending-conversation. Well, seriously. I was like "Omg, that means since last time when i went out with my brother people will thought that we are married couple? OMG, that'll be sooooo ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. And again,seriously. I was like YESSA! At last got people say he handsome but got pimples. BWAHAHHAHAHHAHA!" I think i'll end my entry for today here and if you are interested of hearing the continuation for this convo you can ask me at school(:
Okay. So today which is just now, Farah, Nasirah, Shi Hui and me went to library and "study". Quite fun actually but didnt even manage to do finish my homework. Currently i had only done 1 1/3 question(s) of Maths homework which is about mean,median and mode(: SERIOUSLY. I dont find the need for us to study THOSE things. Its like so useless (no offence!) Had "tea-lunch" break at Mc Dees before going home. Again, SERIOUSLY, I hate eating apple pie. The fillings kept on coming out from the sides when I bite it. Its like so ewwww (no offence!) But well, I cant deny that it is quite tasty(: Had another " CONFESSION" time there. Well, of course I hate to confess about those things and yes, Sushee and Syrup I knew yours both already so you all dont have to kept on repeating them over and over again. It wont make me confess mine(: NOTE TO SUSHEE AND SYRUP:Give it up already guys. Im not telling you all that early (since I dont have one). Isnt it more exciting if you all kept on guessing rather than knowing it?(: Its so fun seeing you all with that I-want-to-know face. Really,seriously. You guys look cute in those faces(: and so be it, stay that way. Did something quite silly on the way back home just now. In the 962 bus when I was getting down, I dont know what happen to my right hand that it almost smacked an old man's head whose sitting in front of me. Unfortunately, only kena the HAIR! I was like muttering "Oh shit! Why never hit?" Okeh, shits, Im going too over already(: Im a good girl. How could i even do that to an old man. Pity him. And Aishah and Haziq. How I really wished you all were there. It would have been much more FUN(:
YAY!! Yeeeeeeeeeehhhaaaaak!! AT LAST! PHEW. hahahaha.Thanks Shi Hui (: YOU ARE REALLY GREAT. Okay. I won't be talking much this time round just a grand opening of this shitty bloggie. By the way people, please dont forget to SCROLL IT TO THE RIGHT. Okay YBs, the lalatelle's blog is here(: but i'm not sure if i will update it regularly. By the way go through the www.imlalat.blogspot.com first.
By post:
A big black bug bit a big black bear; make the big...
Just give me a few more days and I will update a l...
HIYYYAAA (beware, long post)
The End - Hiatus
So much for the study mode :D
By month:
August 2007
October 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
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Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.