YESSA ZIQ! I SMELLED FREEDOM TOO. (EXCEPT FOR SOME "PENG" SMELL COMING OUT FROM SOMEONE *hints hints*) Had our last day of EOY just now. Maths Paper 2 was okay except for the graph. BLEARGHS! Art was worse. I colour too much that somehow my index finger was bend into some awkward position and I cant even move it for like 2 mins and I have to bend it to the normal position. For a second I tought my finger was broken -.-Still talking about art, after like finish colouring everything, I stare at my work, thinking that something was missing. Like after 5 secs I was stiffling my giggles. I FORGOT TO DRAW MY BANANA!!! *sigh*Went home with Ais, Rawr and Syrup. Drenched from head to toe. To Farah, I told you not to wave at the banglas already! See lah! What if they come and cross the road then wait for you at the bus stop? HA! I'll be laughing my ass off by then.Went home straight away on comp. Play HM for awhile until got no mood to play already. Ziq was telling me to put all my animals outside and fence them to raise their affection. I cant make fences around the field somehow and that made me think of restarting the whole game again. *sigh*Ziq, Im not marrying my cows or sheeps or chickens or dog or horse. I dont give a damn about their affection towards me. least a little bt still..oh well.So luckily i didnt restart the whole game and still keep my animals indoor. I was soooo VERY lucky cause a few days after that they announced that there will be TYPHOON and I have to keep the animals indoor. HENG AH! At least I dont have waste my time pushing my cows' and sheeps' heavy butts. TEEHEEHEE. ((:
YESSA ZIQ! I SMELLED FREEDOM TOO. (EXCEPT FOR SOME "PENG" SMELL COMING OUT FROM SOMEONE *hints hints*) Had our last day of EOY just now. Maths Paper 2 was okay except for the graph. BLEARGHS! Art was worse. I colour too much that somehow my index finger was bend into some awkward position and I cant even move it for like 2 mins and I have to bend it to the normal position. For a second I tought my finger was broken -.-Still talking about art, after like finish colouring everything, I stare at my work, thinking that something was missing. Like after 5 secs I was stiffling my giggles. I FORGOT TO DRAW MY BANANA!!! *sigh*Went home with Ais, Rawr and Syrup. Drenched from head to toe. To Farah, I told you not to wave at the banglas already! See lah! What if they come and cross the road then wait for you at the bus stop? HA! I'll be laughing my ass off by then.Went home straight away on comp. Play HM for awhile until got no mood to play already. Ziq was telling me to put all my animals outside and fence them to raise their affection. I cant make fences around the field somehow and that made me think of restarting the whole game again. *sigh*Ziq, Im not marrying my cows or sheeps or chickens or dog or horse. I dont give a damn about their affection towards me. least a little bt still..oh well.So luckily i didnt restart the whole game and still keep my animals indoor. I was soooo VERY lucky cause a few days after that they announced that there will be TYPHOON and I have to keep the animals indoor. HENG AH! At least I dont have waste my time pushing my cows' and sheeps' heavy butts. TEEHEEHEE. ((:
By post:
OH MY GOD!Haven't study for my Maths Paper 2Haven'...
Sorry can't update yesterday. I was so drowned in ...
24 AUGUST 2007 18:37We had a memorial for Jian De ...
DANGGGGGG!Felt so much like a sore loser shitty to...
OMG OMG OMG NDP IS TOMORROW!(The school one lahhh!...
NDP reahearsal was SUCKISH. Its not worth what I'd...
This morning I had to drag my butt off my bed and ...
Okay. So today which is just now, Farah, Nasirah, ...
By month:
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Layout: Mary
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Host: blogger photobucket
My name is Nabila Dinda Jeulila. Sometimes I thought that my name was too long that actually I took more time than the rest during exam just to write 'em *sigh*. I think I got dumped by my parents I mean where can you find a 15 year old girl living alone with some strangers. ROFLMAO.
It's been about 5 years since I start stepping on this island which changed most of my life and I still bear the title 'Foreigner'. Apart from tonnes of school work and going back home at 6+ pm everyday, I've got friends who behave like berok (monkey) and a ridiculous CCA. Oh! and I have a brother who is struggling his balls head off in that hell-on-earth university. Heh :D
 Adopted Trees.