seven, seven, lucky number :D

Music Playlist at

Yaoi <3
Monday, 6 August 2007 @ 21:46

NDP reahearsal was SUCKISH. Its not worth what I'd done last night which was polishing my boots which just wont shine and ter-poked THOUSANDS holes on my fingers just to fix the badges. Again, NDP rehearsal was SUCKISH. I was forced to sing Singapore national anthem and say the pledge which made me feel much like a TRAITOR.

School today was filled with TESTs. Had Maths (which I dont even know that it'll be today and I think I'll fail), Literature (which has nothing so special about it) and English (which made me SQUEEZE my brain to understand the comprehension).

NDP is 2 days away and Im seriously not looking forward to it (Im looking forward to my own country's which falls on 17 August and guess what? THERE ISNT ANY HOLIDAYS.) This really really REALLY made me feel much like an asshole to my own country.

REMINDER TO SUSHEE AND SYRUP (or whoever trying to make me confess): Again, just give it up, guys. Like what Hazirah had said, "People who are born in July are VERY secretive." ((: Anyway, I dont have any, okeh? Aishah had stopped it already, so you people must do the same ((:

Had another picnic infront of the MommaShop(: Thank GOODNESS,GRACIOUS that we dont have any confession time(:

Miss my mom <3