seven, seven, lucky number :D

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Yaoi <3
Sunday, 5 August 2007 @ 16:54

This morning I had to drag my butt off my bed and i cant even manage to open my eyes. Its all because of sleeping at god knows whats the time i slept cause of watching channel 5. Watched the 9.30 news and saw Kethlyn ( I think thats her name ) being interviewed and a glimpse of Abu Sofian in one of the room. *smirking at someone* Its kind of cool and funny at the same time seeing people you know being interviewed or caught at one of the scene. (no offence! Its kind of rare you know, to get to be inside the news/tv)

Okay. So just now went to Sunplaza with my brother and my aunt and my 3 cussies to send Ilham (one of the 3 cussies) for his piano lesson. Went to the library there but didnt manage to find anything interesting.After Ilham finished his piano lesson, we went to causeway point.

Naaah. In the causeway point, while waiting for my aunt to finish shopping at cold storage, I and my brother had to take care of the three cussies. I sat on one of the chairs outside the cold storage,eating ice cream ( my aunt's treat(: ) while my brother standing somewhere near there eating his ice cream.

Well, I sat beside this old woman. And seriously, I was laughing my ass off when she talked to my brother. Their conversation goes like this:

Old woman (looking at my brother): Are these three children your children?
My brother:No. They are my cousins.
Old woman: Oh My God! Really? I thought you two are married. (turning her head to me) And I was thinking, whoah! so young married, got three children already!
Me: ( I was busy laughing my ass off)
My brother:No laah.
Old woman:Really. I mean last time people married at 12 you know? (at this point i was thinking of Maria Hertogh though she married at 13)
My brother:Hahahaha, yeah.
Old woman:Well, you look like as if you're 17 or 19. Handsome some more (at this point i was like going to vomit blood) but then you got some pimples at your face. (BWHAHAHAHHAHA!)

Okay i'll end the convo here cause it seemed like a never-ending-conversation. Well, seriously. I was like "Omg, that means since last time when i went out with my brother people will thought that we are married couple? OMG, that'll be sooooo ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. And again,seriously. I was like YESSA! At last got people say he handsome but got pimples. BWAHAHHAHAHHAHA!"

I think i'll end my entry for today here and if you are interested of hearing the continuation for this convo you can ask me at school(: