seven, seven, lucky number :D

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Yaoi <3
Monday, 13 August 2007 @ 20:54


Felt so much like a sore loser shitty tooot shit today. FASTING. Yes thats the problem. It will always reminds me that I still have 9 more days to fast to pay back last year's. *GASP*

So on Saturday, watched The Ring with my brother and Ziq (well not really with him but through msn). Really got spooked by the movie. After the movie, when I go to the toilet, I'll imagine either Samara crawling out of the toilet bowl or she will be sitting on the toilet bowl with her hair down when i open the door. SERIOUSLY. These thoughts gave me goosebumps in the toilet ((:

Maths test I'll probably failed. DOOOOOOOH! I didnt even know that there will be test on that day. So yeah, there goes my maths (:

It sucks, really really sucks. Why must we learn algebra and stuff. Its SERIOUSLY USELESS.


I dont know why (other than my STM) but really, my mind is blank and I dont know what to write in this bloggie. And this make me feel more like a dumbass shits(:

Currently helping my Pri 1 cussie do his "I love my family because..." homework.

And I dont really know what to answer cause I dont find anything to love in my family and so I asked Ziq.

Thanks Ziq(: cause Im really clueless in this shit.